
Showing posts with the label Intercargo

New Grain Partly Filled Loading Conditions WITHOUT Trimming

  Significant Amendments were applied to the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk , effective from 1 January 2026 ,  adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in 23 May 2024  under Resolution MSC.552(108). The amendments introduce: The new class of loading condition for Bulk Carriers is described as " specially suitable compartment, partly filled in way of the hatch opening, with ends untrimmed ." Port authorities will require: Grain Loading Booklet or Addendum, Document of Authorization, and Grain Stability Calculation results for ships loading grain under the new conditions The amendment is not mandatory unless ships carry grain under the new loading conditions . This amendment significantly increases your Bulk Carriers Loading Flexibility .

INTERCARCO Associate Membership

On behalf of the whole SMM Team at S.A. MALLIAROUDAKIS MARITIME UK Ltd. and Mr. Spiros Malliaroudakis himself would like to sincerely express our special and sincere thanks to INTERCARGO for the warm welcome to our company’s Associate Membership. We believe this Membership will support our continued efforts in the direction we have chosen to specialize in our industry. An industry that claims from every one of us, our heartfelt dedication and commitment to ensure long term survival and success! We would, also, take this opportunity to wish you all and your families the best of health and the most successful victory against the coronavirus pandemic attack affecting every country of the world!

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