
Showing posts with the label Loading Software

New Grain Partly Filled Loading Conditions WITHOUT Trimming

  Significant Amendments were applied to the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk , effective from 1 January 2026 ,  adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in 23 May 2024  under Resolution MSC.552(108). The amendments introduce: The new class of loading condition for Bulk Carriers is described as " specially suitable compartment, partly filled in way of the hatch opening, with ends untrimmed ." Port authorities will require: Grain Loading Booklet or Addendum, Document of Authorization, and Grain Stability Calculation results for ships loading grain under the new conditions The amendment is not mandatory unless ships carry grain under the new loading conditions . This amendment significantly increases your Bulk Carriers Loading Flexibility .

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  Just released the revolutionary  SMM Ship Loading Calculations Platform ,  using  Artificial Intelligence  and  Smart Phone technologies  combined with 37 years of experience from  MULTILOAD for Windows !!! Our Newly Launched Software Platform includes the following well known components : MULTILOAD for Windows  (FULL OPTIONS) – Customised for each of your Bulk Carriers (with or without Steel Coils functions).  OCEAN WAY EXPRESS Mobile App  (Up to 6 mobile users) – For Maximum Cargo Intake & Instant Stowage Planning.  MULTILOAD AI  –  ML Option  for easy Multi Cargo/Grade Loadings in restricted conditions using Artificial Intelligence.   BALLAST INTAKE AI  –  ML Option  for Minimal use of Ballast – Saving Energy & Time.   Guaranteed Compatibility  with your already Approved Loading Instruments.   This  ALL4-IN-ONE Software Platform,...

Ocean Way Express + Multiload AI - Now with Steel Coils Loading


Ocean Way Express

  S.A. Malliaroudakis Maritime (UK) LTD. using Artificial Intelligence Technology (AI) created Ocean Way Express that brings you: Instant Response to Charterers using your mobile, Cargo Intake Maximization (Even Keel Trims), Full cover against Draft & Air Draft Restrictions, Absolute Elimination of Unnecessary use of Ballast, Carefree Stability Compliance (Grain + Intact), Minimization of Stresses at Sea + Port (for lower Steel Work Repairs). Ocean Way Express  using  Artificial Intelligence Technology  (AI), is a mobile app for every Bulk Carrier Operator , who can instantly get   from the ease of his mobile phone : Ship Particulars for any chosen vessel of his fleet, Deadweight Scale Calculations (for given Draft, Cargo or DWT), EASYLOAD - Optimal Stowage Plan Generation using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for single Bulk Cargo Loadings, Creation of New Chartering Cases (Voyage Details, Load Zones, Draft Restrictions etc) & i...

Multiload for Windows Loading Program

  Multiload for Windows Loading Program Six reasons why you should choose SMM Multiload for Windows Loading Program   on your ship: Approved by all IACS Members and type approval by LR & DNV-GL , Installed on more than 1,000 Bulkers , Ease of use, versatility and with 43 functions of the Base Program with  up to 50 Multiload useful options to choose from, Covers all your Ship Operation Manuals and provides instantly technical information, Maximize Your Vessels' Operational & Chartering Flexibility Onboard and in the Office, SMM  unbeatable  quality  and superb  after sales support  for the years to come.

Flag Administrations acceptance of SMM-eORB SW Part I

  The Cyprus, Singapore, Bahamas, Malta, Norway, Cayman Islands & Hong Kong Flag Administrations can accept officially our software solution since the DNV-GL falls within the Recognised Organisations (ROs) that have been authorised to approve electronic record books used on board their flag registered ships in accordance with resolution MEPC.312(74). ePrice:

How to correctly use loading programs?

In light of the recent North P&I Club recommendations on how the ship operators may reduce the problems using loading computers, we have gathered hereunder the most crucial prompts: 1. Standardise: Try to standardise the software in use across the fleet. If different vessels have different software, an officer moving within the fleet needs to re-familiarize themselves with the system on board that vessel. 2. Train: Those in charge of using the software should undergo appropriate training. 3. Check: Make sure that the crew are aware what they should always check; 4. Mentor: Junior officers are the Chief Mates of tomorrow! Actively encourage junior officers to learn how to use the system from those in charge of it. 5. Simulator: If you have a spare computer on board, add the software and allow juniors to upload conditions and practice. 6. Feedback: Set up a feedback communication line for the crew to report issues with the software, this will help improve its usability. Remember to ...

Detailed Steel Coils General cargo option - Steel Coils Pre-Stow Plan In...


MULTILOAD Loading Program for Tankers

Immediate benefits of this software to your good Company are the following: 1. Improved efficiency of operations/ judgement and communication. 2.Benefit of harmonization with a TOP QUALITY in EASE OF USE/ versatility and additional options MULTILOAD. 3.Direct Damage Stability Module according to MARPOL 73/78 Annex 1 Reg. 28 and IBC Code Chapter 2 includes intermediate stages calculations as required by IACS members 4. Fleet Based Program for Office Use. 5.Consultancy support on difficult loading conditions. 6.Operational to windows network environment.

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